Our productsWorkbenchesAccessoriesLight-Weight French Type Vice Bench10

Light-Weight French Type Vice Bench10

Light-Weight French Type Vice Bench10

Light weight design vice (French type) for specific use for HOBBY, JUNIOR-SENIOR, SCHOOL1 workbenches and WorkTop. Compatible with our wooden handle.

Product number: Bench10 | EAN: 8595574130816

€ 120,61 incl. VAT€ 99,68 excl. VAT
  • Description
  • Parameters
Light weight design vice (French type) for specific use for HOBBY, JUNIOR-SENIOR, SCHOOL1 workbenches and WorkTop. Compatible with our wooden handle.
Length390 mm
Width190 mm
Height50 mm
Workspace length205 mm
ThreadTr 24 x 5 mm
Weight4 kg

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